How to Tell That She Likes You?

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Sometimes, it is not obvious and clear if a certain girl likes you. However, we are going to help you find out whether the feelings of a lady are true. The subtle signs that a woman is into you might show you all if you are able to distinguish between them. With our guide, you are going to examine the behavior of your girlfriend and make up your mind about whether to move on with her or not. So let´s go!

Signs she is hiding her feelings for you:

  • She never ignores your phone calls or messages, and always wants to communicate with you through a video chat.
  • When you date online, it seems that all her gestures are not open. For example, she always crosses her arms when you talk.
  • The lady seems to hide some information about her past.
  • She does not often smile at you and it looks like she controls whether to smile or not.
  • You notice that she sings songs that you both like but she never tells you about this fact.
  • Her cheekbones are always red when you talk to her online but she looks earnest. 

Signs she is not the right woman for you:

  • She swears and uses dirty language every time you talk or message her.
  • She drinks smokes weed, uses drugs, and is open about it. It seems like she even never regrets having bad habits.
  • The lady does not want to have children and does not have a vision about her future either with you or herself.
  • She is illiterate and does not want to learn, either from her past, or present. It means that she is so unsure about herself.
  • She is selfish and always talks about herself. 
  • She is stupid and too focused on her appearance. Moreover, it is possible to say that she is obsessed with the way she looks. 
  • She never talks about her future. To be more precise, she has no plans for her future.
  • It seems like she treats you like a god and puts you on a pedestal. Therefore, you feel like she relies on you the most. 
  • She does not have any hobbies and spends all her free time watching TV, movies, soap operas, etc. 
  • She is self-centered and behaves like the world is spinning around her personality. 
  • She is proud of herself and such a boring person to talk to. 
  • She lies to you about her past or hides her past experience from you. 
  • She does not know how to use her talents or seems to have chaos in her life using every single talent she has at once. 
  • You feel that she is not the right woman for you. 

Signs she is falling for you:

  • She keeps on writing messages to you often.
  • She replies within a few hours to you when you message her. 
  • You notice that she became a more beautiful, sexier, and open-minded person since you met.
  • She refuses to communicate with all her guy friends since you started to talk online.
  • She laughs at all your jokes and understands when you are serious and when you are funny.
  • You feel with your guts that she is happy when she is with you.
  • She shines every time you date her online and via video chat.
  • She likes you and you can even prove it. 

Signs she is waiting for you:

  • She does not have a boyfriend or broke up with her boyfriend since you met her online.
  • She does not add male friends on her social media or delete all of them.
  • She spends more time on her own reading books and self-developing.
  • She claims that she passes relationship quizzes and tests to get to know her real feelings.
  • She is happy being on her own and actually waiting for you because she likes you. 
  • She is a reliable person and the one you can trust and tell all your secrets to. 
  • You feel that she is ready for a more serious relationship. 

Signs she is using you for attention:

  • She uses your kindness for money reasons.
  • She is never grateful to you. 
  • You notice that she might be too hot or too cold for you. Sometimes, it seems like she does not care. 
  • All her girlfriends know that you are dating.
  • All her relatives are aware that you are dating online. Moreover, even at the very first stages of your relationship, you got to know that all people that surround her know that you are about to be engaged.
  • She lies and finds it okay when you talk to her. 
  • All of her Instagram is full of your photos together. She posts her photos every day and is very active on social media. 

Signs she is settling for you:

  •  She became a calmer person since you found each other online.
  • She is a more beautiful person now and her clothes style might have changed a lot.
  • She is a more confident person and knows what she wants in her life. 
  • She is loyal to you and does not flirt with other guys.
  • She introduced you to her parents and relatives. 
  • You feel that she is happy when she is with you and that she trusts you. 
  • You feel goosebumps when she touches you unwillingly. 
  • You notice that you both moved from the stage called ¨butterflies in one´s stomach¨ to ¨peace of mind¨ stage. 
  • She hides her private life and your relationships from others. 

To sum up, you will notice when she likes you, but you would better trust your gut still because some ladies are very good actresses. To find your ideal girlfriend, you need to register on this dating platform ASAP. Go ahead and do it now!

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