How to Date Eastern European Ladies

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If you are reading this article, then you are among the men who finally realized that the popularity of girls from Eastern Europe and stories about their positive qualities is not a myth but a pure truth. You can trust everything that is mentioned in our article and that's why: the author of this article is not a professional pick-up artist (you probably know that "professional pick-ups" are just a bunch of losers and loafers, with which more intelligent people make money) and not the owner of a dating site that will lie to you, so long as you visit his site. The author of this article is the happy husband of a woman from Eastern Europe (from Ukraine, if you need clarification), who wants to share his experience with you. Once I was also skeptical of all this excessive interest in Slavic girls. But

I found the courage to check all this myself and now I'm happy. I believe that you, after reading this article to the end, will understand that happiness is close - you just need to see it and make some effort.

who are Eastern European

Introduction: Why Choose an Eastern European Lady?

So, who are Eastern European ladies? Is there really no beauty in the neighborhood that can make you happy? If you are reading this article, you know for sure - the beauty living in the neighborhood is already in a relationship with someone, or she does not suit you at all. This state of things leads many men to despair. Someone closes in himself, someone decides that family life is too difficult and career is more important, someone starts to behave like a teenager and spends the nights in the company of the same desperate men, getting drunk in bars and nightclubs. Sometimes the attention of these men attracts the advertising message of some next dating site that promises family happiness for a couple of clicks. But in the mind immediately pop up stories of scammers, cases when behind the profile of the charming beauty is hidden some sexually perverted maniac and so on. The man closes the dating site and never again visits it.

However, some of us were luckier - they remembered that the world is not confined to the homeland and several neighboring countries. There is also another world where other values reign, where people live in a completely different cultural environment. At first, this other world seems very strange and incomprehensible. However, as soon as we step over our fear and relate to prejudices about foreigners with a healthy share of skepticism, the picture changes completely. It turns out that on the other side of the globe there are very interesting people. And men who are looking for family happiness will find out that there are other women who value the same as they do. Most often these women live in Eastern Europe - Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus.

Why Eastern European women? There are many reasons for this. Here are the main ones:

impress Eastern European ladies1. Interest in the Western way of life. All of the above Eastern European countries were part of the USSR. We will not remind you again what the USSR is. The Iron Curtain, the maximum detachment from the rest of the world, the most powerful propaganda - these are all pretty well-known things. But there is one paradox: despite all the efforts of communist leaders, the peoples living under the rule of the USSR have always looked to the West. Sometimes from the other side of the ocean came scraps of information that there is another way of life: free and happy.

Someone perceived this as the intrigues of enemy spies, someone quietly believed in these rumors and dreamed of once leaving USSR forever. And so, in the distant 1991 the USSR disappeared from the map of the world. Eastern European women experienced a cultural shock when they suddenly had an opportunity to study the way of life of other people without the risk of getting into jail or even worse - into the grave. Soviet women (who now called themselves Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian women) learned that there are men in the world who do not have a frenzied passion for alcohol and are able to really love their second half.

2. Poor economic situation in Eastern Europe. We will be extremely honest: yes, in the interest of these ladies to us, the men of the West, there is some share of commercialism. Ukraine, Russia and Belarus are experiencing not the best times for their economies. Now the situation is slightly better than in the 1990s (when in the CIS countries a terrible economic crisis was raging, the consequences of which are palpable until now), but it is still far from ideal. Women from Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus had to work on a par with men. Sometimes even more - many Slavic men preferred to perish in the abyss of drunkenness, and not fight for the dignified existence of their families. Imagine now what an average American or European looked like against the background of all this devastation and poverty. It should be noted that the main source of information about the Western way of life was Hollywood. So is it worth judging these women for wanting a better life? Is it worth judging these women for wanting to create families in conditions of economic stability? Yes, the financial issue affected the fact that these ladies began to actively communicate with our men. But now you know why it happened. Do the rest yourself.

3. The image of thoughts. If the motivation of women from Eastern Europe is clear, then what can we say about us? Why did the male half of the Western world reciprocate this interest. The answer is extremely simple and prosaic. You can even say that it is trivial. Ask yourself the question: when a man begins to be interested in other women, increasingly ignoring his wife? What most often is the cause of conscious adultery with another woman. Misunderstanding and inconsistency of views on life. This is the root of all evil. European and American women began to forget about what true family happiness is. Everyone rushed to build careers, go to rallies and defend their rights in the face of a mythical threat that allegedly hung over the female sex. And all this began to happen when the whole world recognized total equality! In a moment, when women achieved freedom, total disrespect for traditional family values began. How does one interfere with the other? No woman will give you a clear answer. And is it necessary, when there are women on the other side of the globe who completely agree with you? Of course not!

Ukrainian (however, like all other Slavs - who in greater, to a lesser extent) women have become a tasty morsel for any man, because they guarantee the return of the good old family happiness. With a bunch of children, a delicious dinner and with cozy evenings in front of the fireplace with the whole family. And by the way, in addition to all bonuses, once you will meet your second half from one of these countries, you will ask yourself: why are Eastern European women so beautiful? And why me eyes were closed for such a long time?

How to Impress Eastern European Ladies

If you are intrigued of what I wrote in the previous section, now you must ask yourself the question: how to impress Eastern European ladies? How to impress a Russian girl? How to impress a Ukrainian girl? I will say at once - there is no special science here. Their mentality is almost equal. The main rule is to follow the call of the heart, your own tastes and learn a little about the preferences of these ladies. I suggest that you get acquainted with a short, but full guide - if you follow my instructions exactly, no Ukrainian woman will stand before your charms:

date Eastern European girls1. Behave like a true gentleman. Many women from Eastern Europe met on their way men who behaved like primitive barbarians, infected with bacteria of selfishness. Many of these ladies even gave birth to children from such men. I will say even more - a large part of the male population of these countries behaves in an inappropriate way. Girls dream to meet the prince, who will give them gifts, invite to restaurants and tell them compliments. Is it difficult? I think not. Any worthy man should behave this way. Just be a gentleman in the old-fashioned sense of the word - this will be a solid foundation for your future success and you will impress Eastern European ladies for sure.

2. Prove that you know how to take care of your loved ones. You should not only be able to make money, but also pay attention to your beloved. Ask about what she ate for breakfast. If it's cold outside, make sure she dresses warmly. Ask how her day went. Support if she has a bad mood. In all these little things there is a great power. Girls from Eastern Europe appreciate this behavior very much. Even if you will fail in your career, if you have little money, it will not matter if you are a loving and caring man. For them, this is important. So do not be lazy to write her a message or call at lunch time - make an investment in your joint happiness.

3. Give her flowers. Practically in all countries of Eastern Europe (especially in Ukraine), there is a tradition to give women flowers. To do this, you do not need a special occasion - you can give a favorite girl a bouquet, even if you plan to just watch TV at home and eat pizza. Remember one important thing: do not go on a date with one of these girls without a pretty bouquet. A gentleman without flowers at the initial stage of relations is a bad form. Always give flowers for personal holidays. The question of choosing colors is up to you - the main thing in impressing Eastern European ladies is the gesture itself, and not the bouquet you give.

4. Treat her family with respect. Russians, Ukrainians, and Belorussians have the same kind of anxious attitude to family ties, like the Italians. This does not mean that you should constantly flatter and praise her family. Do not criticize any of her relatives until your relationship is at an early stage. Listen carefully to her stories about the family. Do not forget to tell your story. And most importantly: avoid jokes about her family. In Eastern Europe, a disrespectful review of the family can be followed by physical violence. This happens rarely, but do not forget about it.

Tips to Date an Eastern European Ladies Successfully

1. Be creative. Do not limit yourself only to restaurants and walks in the park -Eastern European women love to get a new impression. And if you are the person who will be able to give it to her - consider that you have a victory in your pocket. Invite her to mountaineering, go skiing, offer to go in for sports together, invite her to a culinary training - the main thing, do not be banal with Eastern European women.

2. Less talks about yourself, buddy. Girls hate selfish people. Eastern European girls are fed up with them. Remember this, my friend. If you only talk about yourself and boast of your successes, complain about life and tell stories about your dog, the girl will listen to you, smile, but you will never see her again.

3. Tell her about your plans. Men in the former Soviet Union often live unconsciously. They float along the course of life like a piece of limp and do not want to change anything. You must be different from them. Build plans and share them, then the girl will know that you are worthy of her attention and her love. This is the main rule of Eastern European women dating.

4. Do you want to date Eastern European women? Let them cook something for you! If during a regular meeting in a restaurant a girl from Eastern Europe will say that she could cook this dish better and criticize Mexican cuisine, because the dishes of her national cuisine are much tastier and more healthy, offer her to prove her words in practice. It will be her star hour, after all, almost all the ladies from Eastern Europe are cooking perfectly. Do not deprive her of this pleasure.

5. Do not hint at sex. These girls have no problems with sex - they engage in it often and with pleasure. But only after you prove that you are worth it. You will understand when this happens. Remember, you are a gentleman, a representative of an advanced Western civilization - match this image, otherwise, you will not ever date Eastern European girls.

Comments (1)
I was lucky to meet two Eastern European ladies when I visited my relatives in Alaska. What can I say? There is something mysterious about these women, they are like a magnet.
02.03.2020 09:42
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