Moving In Together With Your Girlfriend: How to Do It Right

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You and your partner have finally decided to move in together, but suddenly you both realized that this is way harder than it seemed before. Certainly, your days of browsing various pictures of women seeking men are over. I bet that you realized this a long time ago, but this is a whole new situation. You may need to create a moving in together checklist to make everything right because this is not about moving your stuff to a new place, this is about a very serious step. I can guarantee you that during this step, you will learn a lot about your partner and will see him or her from a completely different perspective.

Your girlfriend will also analyze you, and your actions will pay a crucial role in your future with this person. Surely, you can always visit some single ladies dating sites to find a new partner, but what is the point if you can't make adult steps like successfully moving in together. Therefore, you must be very attentive and careful when moving in with your girlfriend. Generally, you shouldn't worry too much because moving in is very natural, plus we will share the list of important steps to take before moving in together to make sure that everything will be just perfect.

moving in together

Why Does a Desire to Move Together Arise Before a Proposal?

The first problem that two partners encounter when they decide to move in together is the nature of this desire itself. Quite often, one partner is concerned about moving in together before the stage of committed relationships and feels uncomfortable because of that. Well, most frequently partners decide to move in together because they want to test their relationships and see how they both will behave under new circumstances. However, psychologists don't recommend doing this, because couples that decided to move in together only after their weddings are happier than couples that moved in together before it.

Another reason why the desire to live together before a proposal may arise is that partners want to make it special. For example, they may be waiting for a perfect moment to make their proposal unique and memorable. In this case, both partners believe that the proposal is only a technical thing, and they both already feel as if they are spouses even without proposals. This is one o the most popular reason why people decide to move in together before the wedding. Note that in this case, both partners have common plans for the future.

The second most popular reason why two people in love decide to move in together before the proposal is that they don't want to become spouses at all. Today, more and more often, young people refuse to start official relationships. You see, they believe that it will destroy their freedom. In this case, both partners have common plans for their future together, and they live as spouses, but without any official documents. Unfortunately, according to sociologists, those couples tend to break up more often.

The reason for this is that for the sake of strong relationships, you need to sacrifice at least a part of your freedom. As you have guessed, those couples are not ready to do this.

Sadly, there is one more reason why people may decide to move in together before the proposal. Frequently, due to this reason, only one partner wants to move in together without a proposal, while the other one doesn't understand why it is so hard to do everything right. As you may have guessed, the first partner is not ready for a serious step because he or she constantly doubts their love towards a partner. This is the worst case because, most often, those couples break up, and their breakups are very painful.

It Is Really Important Not to Rush

Surely when it comes to love affairs, people have a desire to act very quickly. Normally we all understand that if two people truly love each other, there is no reason for them to rush things. However, when we fall in love, we want to be with our partner as much as we can. This desire is pretty normal and even pleasant, but in some cases, you may make some mistakes because of it. Remember, you should never rush when it comes to romantic relationships because there are so many things to consider before moving in together.

moving in together checklistAs we have already said, moving in together is a very important step, and you need to know that no matter how desperately you want to be with your partner, there are always some questions to ask before moving in together. Those questions will help you avoid mistakes and disappointments. Unfortunately, Hollywood movies have created a very unrealistic picture of human relationships. In their movies, they tend to exaggerate and dramatize. Due to that, people who have never moved in with romantic partners often have false expectations and get dissatisfied with reality. Consequently, they begin to believe that there is something wrong with them or with their partners.

In the first case, those people get depressed, and their self-esteem goes down. While in the second case, they break up with their partners to find someone else. It goes without saying that with new partners, they have absolutely the same problems, and find themselves in a closed circle. For that very reason, it is very important no to rush things before moving in together. Remember, romantic relationships always need time to develop. No doubt, love sometimes appears very suddenly and completely changes your life, but love is just a chemical reaction in your body, while a romantic relationship is a product of your effort.

Couples that are moving in together too rapidly often face many complications and stresses that may damage their relationships and love. So, there is no reason for you to add more of those problems. Consequently, when working on romantic relationships, it is always better to do it slowly, step by step. Thus, you will avoid unnecessary complications and will prevent many different problems. Plus, by acting slowly, you will get rid of potentially toxic doubts. Our first moving in together advice is that you should never doubt your partner's love for you.

Main Signs That It's Time to Move in Together

But what about the most important question: how long should you wait before moving in together? Given that every romantic relationship is unique and develops under different circumstances, it is very hard to give a precise answer. Nevertheless, there are ways how you can analyze your relationship and your partner to understand when it is the right time to move in together. So, before giving you the main tips for moving in together, we want to share with you 7 signs that the time has come for you to move in together with your partner.

1. You plan your budget together

Surely, love can deal with everything. But it is always better to avoid problems that arise due to financial matters, especially when you decide to move in together. It is perfect if you plan your budget together and equally contribute to it. This is the best way to avoid tension due to unresolved financial matters.

2. None of you has a feeling that you are moving too fast

Our first advice for couples moving in together is that they should never have any doubts concerning their mutual desire to live together. If one of you feels that you are moving too fast, then it is better to postpone your plan. Pay attention to your girlfriend, and make sure that she feels comfortable.

3. You have been living together before

For example, during your tourist trip somewhere, or you spend more than two nights together seeing each other in the morning. Psychologists believe that it is very important to try to get a sense of waking up with your partner next to you before deciding to move in together.

4. You have already had a big argument

You see, when a partner decides to move in together, apart from excitement from their future life, they also feel pressure and suffer from, "What if we have a huge argument." You know that a huge fight won't destroy your life if you have already had one or two of those. Those, you already know how to find common ground.

5. You work on your relationship

Remember when we told you that your romantic relationship is a product of your effort? You both must work on your relationship and must never fear problems that may appear in them. The worst thing you can do in your relationship is to ignore your problems because sooner or later, unresolved problems will destroy your relationship.

6. You are planning your future together in every detail

Your mutual plans are the best proof that you both want to be together. Pay attention to your partner's actions. Does she pay efforts to make those plans come true? If the answer is "yes," then we can only congratulate you because you have nothing to worry about because your girlfriend truly loves you and her desire to move in with you is real.

7. You don't have any secrets

Undoubtedly, we all have some secrets, but in romantic relationships, both partners need to share everything that may affect their love. Therefore, any serious secrets, especially concerning financial matters, can serve as red flags that indicate that you shouldn't move in together with this person. In any case, it is worth trying to talk to your partner about this for moving in together

Moving Together Basic Tips on How to Do It Right

When people finally have a basic understanding of how long before moving in together, they start searching for tips for moving in together. We hope that after reading the previous part of our article, your desire to move in with your partner has only strengthened. So, here we are going to share with you the top 3 basic tips. Of course, we can't cover everything in these three tips, but these are only basic elements that will help you build a very strong and reliable foundation of your romantic relationship with your girlfriend.

1. Let her have a private space

The lack of private space is the very first negative thing that people begin to feel when they decide to move in together. Now, when you and your partner spend most of your time together, you must be very careful when it comes to it. Because even the smallest things may break your or your girlfriend's private space, and a combination of those things may be very annoying. Remember, we all need to spend time alone sometimes.

2. Do the household chores together

The housework has never been simpler than today. However, young couples still encounter problems when it comes to household chores. The best thing you can do is to apply the Golden rule here. It says that if you have to be asked to do a chore, you need to change your attitude. You see, none of you is a housemaid. So, you must do your household chores together if you want to be happy after moving in together with your girlfriend. Yes, this aspect doesn't seem to be very important, but it may destroy your relationship once and for all.

3. Respect your partner and get ready to adjust to a new life

Obviously, without respect, your relationship will never work out. I bet that if you both have a desire to move in together, then you have no problem with this. But in cohabitation, it goes way deeper than that or even than respecting each other's private space. You both will have to adjust to happily live together. It begins with learning how to share a bed, up to buying a candle to hide the worst smells your body can produce. In any case, mutual respect is the key to your success.

Cohabitation is not the easiest thing to do, especially when it comes to a long-distance relationship and moving in together for the first time. But you should never focus just on bad or problematic sides of this. Ask yourself, why do you want to move in together with your girlfriend? Why other people do it? The answer will be very simple. You want to do it because you feel happy together and want to spend as much time together as it is only possible. Two people who truly love each other can deal with everything. So, forget about your doubts, and carefully, step by step, work on your relationships and happiness. Remember, moving in together is just one of many big steps on your way to happiness.

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