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  • 24.12.2021 Fabulous Slavic Christmas Traditions
    If you want to learn some cultural background of your Slavic girlfriend, go through a few lines about Christmas. It’s the most significant Winter holiday, probably second after New Year’s. Despite their religious preferences, Slavic people celebrate Christmas following ancient traditions.
  • 26.11.2021 Black Friday In Different Countries: Any Gaps?
    November's shopping bonanza is the best time to meet up with your woman! Yesdates offers you to save up to 70% on all communications!
  • 28.10.2021 Halloween: The Romantic Time To Find Your True Love OR Boo, It’s Just For Kids? 
    Halloween is coming, and most of us are pretty excited about this, preparing wickedly stunning costumes, make-up, and stuff. Slavic girls are not an exception - they also love Halloween and make their final preparations. Though this holiday is not very popular in their regions, it has started to gain momentum in the last 20+ years.
  • 27.06.2020 Vulnerability in Relationships: How It Benefits for Couples
    If you are trying to save face in any situation and cannot relax even with a loved one, you will most likely put an equal sign between vulnerability and weakness.
  • 25.06.2020 How to Get the Power Back in a Relationship: Tips for Men
    Ideally, we all want to have healthy relationships and be happy with our significant others. Unfortunately, relationships in which partners are truly happy and equal are rather rare. In the real world, when you meet single girls, you need to spend days working on your relationships to make sure that everything works well.
  • 24.06.2020 Can I Get a Hot Girlfriend If I'm Not Hot Enough for Her?
    Some people constantly wear masks or play someone else’s role in the hope of attracting some charming representatives of the opposite sex. It seems to them that they are not good enough the way they are, and it means they do not deserve respect and love.
  • 23.06.2020 How to Deal with Psychological Projection in Relationships
    Each of us has a unique inner world. It is built under the influence of life experience and many other factors. What is understandable and natural for one is alien to the other. Even those people who are close to you and have alike perceptions may turn out to be completely different.
  • 22.06.2020 What Is Cognitive Dissonance in Relationships? How Does It Affect Couples?
    People are naturally prone to live in harmony with themselves, their worldview, beliefs, principles, and philosophy. This is what allows us to feel holistic and satisfied. But often in our everyday life, we can encounter such a phenomenon when some contradictory ideas, reactions, values, clash with each other in our minds.
  • 29.05.2020 When to Leave a Relationship: 8 Obvious Signs
    People in love know how difficult it is to maintain a balance in a relationship, put up with a partner’s shortcomings, and stay together for a long time. However, not all relationships have a continuation, and they come to an end sooner or later. It makes no sense to torture each other.
  • 28.05.2020 How to Stop Phubbing in Relationships
    Have you ever communicated with people who hold a mobile phone on the table and periodically look at it? Have you ever faced a situation when you want to say anything important to a partner, but your loved one just nods to you, looking at the phone?
  • 19.05.2020 15 Tips on How to Be More Masculine
    Nowadays, men, more than ever before, feel confused. This is because they don't understand what it means to be a man and what role should they play in our rapidly changing society. From early childhood, men are told to sit still, be quiet, listen to their mothers, obey parents and teachers, hide their aggression, and follow the rules.
  • 19.05.2020 What to Do If Somebody Talks Too Much on a Date
    According to experts, there is some connection between how people choose partners and how much they talk. It turns out that in a five-minute conversation, a person decides whether he or she wants to continue a date. So, it means that the first impression is really important.
  • 26.04.2020 Why Spending Too Much Time Together May Be Harmful for Couples
    How much time should couples spend together? There are different opinions on that. Usually, everything is individual - each person has their own preferences and vision of romantic relationships. For some people, meeting every day is the norm, while others prefer to spend only a few evenings a week together.
  • 17.04.2020 Polyamorous Relationships: Rules, Psychology, Tips, and Taboos
    Few of us spend our whole lives with our first love. Besides, there are a lot of unfaithful people around, and you definitely know men and women who are torn between two loved ones and can’t choose the one.
  • 17.04.2020 How to Treat Betrayal Trauma to Heal Your Relationship
    When we fall in love with someone, we feel butterflies in the stomach and endless happiness if our feelings are mutual. Over time, we open up like a flower, showing what there is inside, we trust and become vulnerable. One person becomes the whole universe, the main source of energy and inspiration. Maybe it’s one of the reasons why it’s so difficult to face betrayal.
  • 31.03.2020 Top 15 Hottest Female Golfers
    Is golf a game only for wealthy men? It is this opinion that has taken root throughout the world. A golf set as a gift has always been considered an elite way to congratulate some very important person.
  • 25.03.2020 Long-Distance Relationship Cheating Signs to Note If You Suspect Your GF
    Cheating is an awful thing to do to your partner. It ultimately hurts someone’s feelings and leaves you the fool. Besides, the guilt will haunt you forever. Additionally, cheating is hard to detect, especially long-distance relationship cheating.
  • 24.03.2020 Basic Relationships Patterns and Guide to Cope With Them
    Relationships “once and for all life” are becoming less and less common phenomena, and there are more and more divorces. Not only men but also women are in no hurry to put a stamp on their passports. Men, in general, are increasingly choosing new patterns of relationships for themselves and also look for easy relationships with singles girls online.
  • 26.02.2020 Moving In Together With Your Girlfriend: How to Do It Right
    You and your partner have finally decided to move in together, but suddenly you both realized that this is way harder than it seemed before. Certainly, your days of browsing various pictures of women seeking men are over.
  • 26.02.2020 5 Signs Your Ex Is Over You Completely (and When She Is Pretending)
    Despite the firm conviction that it is impossible to return the past, sometimes life proves the opposite, drawing ex-loving couples together once again as if giving them a second chance.
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